Please allow 1-2 business days for inspection with Fast Forward and 7-10 business days for inspection without.
We always recommend selecting a release date at least 6 weeks, but no more than 2 years, from the date you submit for distribution to allow enough time to promote your music and ensure your release date is honored.
Please note: any time you make changes to your title, it takes it out of the inspection queue and puts it at the back of the line.
Changes after delivery
Typically, these requests should process within 4-6 weeks. Please note that once an update is processed it may not be visible immediately depending on the site and change requested.
We're paying artists every week.
Just like we've been doing for over twenty years, we pay weekly. We need your tax information to pay you, and here's how to add that: How do I enter or update my payment and/or tax information?
CD Baby is here for you.
We're working hard to get your music out to the world. Take care of yourselves, be safe, make music.
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