- Why do I need to select a Partner Artist ID?
- How do I select my Partner ID?
- How do I know which artist profile is mine?
- I have an artist profile but I don’t see it in the list!
- My release has multiple artists, can I submit multiple artist profiles?
Why do I need to select a Partner Artist ID?
Providing Partner Artist IDs will help your release be located on the correct artist page when it goes live at iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify and YouTube Music. This will prevent it from getting mixed up on another artist’s page with the same name.
How do I select my Partner ID?
If you opt-in for distribution to iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify or YouTube Music on the Digital Distribution Options page, the next page you visit will be the Partner Artist IDs page. You will see a list of all the artist profiles from your release on this page. Click "Edit" next to each artist profile to make a selection.
How do I know which artist profile is mine?
There may be multiple options if there are multiple artists with your name on Apple Music, iTunes, or Spotify, make sure to open each link to verify which page is your own!
If this artist has never been delivered to iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify or YouTube before, select the option “Create new artist profile” and a new artist ID will be created for the release.
I have an artist profile but I don’t see it on the list!
We search the partners for an exact match to the artist name you have provided. Please make sure that your artist name is spelled exactly like it is spelled on your artist page at iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, or YouTube Music.
For example, if your artist name is “The Night” at iTunes, but you are now releasing a new album as “The Night Band,” iTunes considers these to be two different artists and you will need to have a new artist page created. If you need to, you can go back to adjust your artist name on the Basic Album Info or Basic Track Info pages. After saving, you can return to the Partner Artist IDs page and see a new list of results for your updated artist name.
If your artist name is spelled exactly like it is spelled on your artist page at iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify or YouTube Music and you still don’t see the correct artist page in the list, select the option “Create new artist profile” for now, grab your artist ID from iTunes and/or Spotify or YouTube Music and submit a request with those links.
My release has multiple artists, can I submit multiple Partner IDs?
Yes! You will be able to select an artist profile for each artist on your release.
I'm listed as Various Artists, what should I do?
If your release playlist(s) on YouTube are listed as being on a "Various Artists - Topic" (and also as Various Artists on YouTube Music), then please select "Create new artist profile" in the Artist ID section of your member's account. This way, you'll get a Topic dedicated to your artist created. YouTube will also attempt to match your older content (related releases) to that newly created artist profile, and remap the older releases to it, hopefully preventing the need for artist separations after the fact.
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