We've made it super easy to see the status of your links. Below is a breakdown of each status and what it means in more detail.
“Not opted into this partner"
The release was not delivered to that partner, per your request.
“Not delivered to partner yet”
The release has not been delivered to the partner yet, or there was a delivery error.
"Delivery in process”
The delivery is in process or has been requested.
"Delivered, waiting for release date"
The release has been delivered but has a future release date.
“Delivered, fetching links now”
The release date is present/past, and we don't have links to display yet.
“No longer live at this partner”
The release has either been removed, removal is in process, the removal has been requested, or the removal has been submitted, and we don’t have links to display.
"Unable to find link"
We've been unable to find your links and you'll need to reach out to our support team.
Checking your digital distribution history on CD Baby
If you're uncertain when your release was delivered to these partners, you can view your digital delivery history from within your CD Baby member's account. To do so, follow these instructions:
- Log into your CD Baby account here
- Click on the Album & Singles tab
- Click the View/Edit button of the title in question
- Under the header DISTRIBUTION, click on Partner Delivery
My links are still not up
If it has been 2 weeks since you've been delivered and your status has changed to "Unable to find link" please submit a request using this form and choose "Adding Links" under the option "Contact HearNow about" and fill out the necessary information.
If you wish to submit links for partners that are not included in the list above, you can choose "Submit Links" and we'll get those added.
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