*A note regarding CD Baby Pro Publishing
If you are affiliated with a Performance Rights Organization (PRO) then they will have assigned you an IPI or CAE number. Your IPI or CAE number can always be found on your PRO's website. Most PROs have searchable public databases (sometimes referred to as a public repertory/repertoire) where you can find songwriter and publisher information, including IPI/CAE numbers and works registrations.
If your PRO does not have a public database, then please log into your songwriter portal with your PRO and look for your IPI/CAE number there.
If you're still unable to locate your IPI/CAE number, please contact your PRO for assistance.
The CD Baby Pro Publishing service was discontinued as of August 8th, 2023. Any paid release which was signed up for CD Baby Pro Publishing prior to August 8th, 2023 is considered a legacy Pro release and will continue to receive Pro Publishing services. CD Baby now offers a new expanded suite of revenue amplifiers called “CDB Boost” instead.
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