*A note regarding CD Baby Pro Publishing
- How to cancel the CD Baby Pro Publishing service
- Relinquishing our claim
- Royalties collected after cancelling
How to cancel the CD Baby Pro Publishing service
If you want to cancel this service and no longer want us to act as your publishing administrator, please submit a request with the following:
- In the subject, please add "CDB PRO CANCELLATION."
- Select the "Cancel my CD Baby Pro Administration Service" from the "Select what you need assistance with" dropdown menu.
- Fill out the required information:
- CD Baby Log in name/Username
- Email address on file
- Artist Name
- Name of release(s)
- A statement letting us know your reason for cancellation.
Once we receive this information, we will process your request and relinquish our claim to your publishing for the submissions included in your request. The term of your publishing agreement with CD Baby will end on the last day of the calendar quarter of which you request to cancel Pro.
For example: If you submit your request on January 1st, then the term will end on March 31st. The end date of our term is also known as the "effective date" of our relinquishment.
Relinquishing our claim
We will notify your Performance Rights Organization (PRO) and other collection societies of our relinquishment upon processing your request. This will allow the songs to be claimed by another publisher. Your new publisher will then be able to collect any royalties generated after the effective date of our relinquishment.
Be advised, your PRO and other collection societies may leave CD Baby listed as your publishing administrator until another publisher claims these works. If a new publisher does not take over our claim at any given collection society, then that society will likely continue to distribute your royalties to CD Baby, and they will continue to be paid out to you through your CD Baby account.
Royalties collected after cancelling
Terminating the publishing agreement triggers our one-year post-term collection period. This allows publishing royalties generated during the term of our agreement to be paid out to you through your CD Baby account.
For more information regarding your publishing agreement with CD Baby, please refer to the Publishing Addendum
The CD Baby Pro Publishing service was discontinued as of August 8th, 2023. Any paid release which was signed up for CD Baby Pro Publishing prior to August 8th, 2023 is considered a Legacy Pro release and will continue to receive Pro Publishing services. CD Baby now offers a new expanded suite of revenue amplifiers called “CDB Boost” instead.
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