Before we get into it, here are some keywords we need to clear up.
Art track = Auto-generated video that only shows static art and basic release information.
User-uploaded video = A video that was uploaded by you, or anyone on YouTube.
YouTube Music will automatically replace the auto-generated static art track videos delivered by CD Baby with any existing user-uploaded music videos, lyric videos, or high-quality live performance videos that contain the same audio.
The video which replaces the static art track may be different for listeners in different territories based on the popularity of the video in each territory. So, listeners in Brazil, for example, may see a different replacement video than listeners in the US for the same art track on an album playlist at YouTube Music.
The video may also toggle between the art track video and user-uploaded video depending on the device the listener is using, and whether they are using the browser app, YouTube app, or YouTube
Music app.
These features are a function of the platform, and are designed to help drive traffic to user-uploaded
videos and enrich the listening experience on YouTube Music. Since this is part of the design of YouTube Music’s platform, CD Baby is not able to change or remove the videos which have replaced the static art track.
Regarding revenue for these videos: if the listener is viewing the replacement video as part of the YouTube Music album playlist, streaming revenue will be earned and collected in the same way that it has been for the static art track videos.
If the listener views the user-uploaded video from the “uploads” section of your artist page,
streaming revenue may not apply. Instead, you may be able to earn monetization revenue as
long as you have opted in for YouTube Monetization (Content ID) for this release.
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