If you do not know the account holder and/or if they do not own or have not cleared all necessary rights to distribute the content through CD Baby and continued distribution of the content infringes on your rights, you may lodge a formal takedown request.
CD Baby is compliant with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and we will need the dispute to be lodged in a certain fashion.
Though an attorney is not required to lodge a DMCA takedown notice, CD Baby encourages you to consult with your own lawyer and/or see 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3) to confirm your obligations to provide a valid notice of claimed infringement.
Here is a list of required information and statements you must send to lodge a formal rights dispute:
1. Your legal name and any helpful affiliations (such as artist name or the party on whose behalf you are working on behalf of).
2. The name of the album, artist, and (if applicable) song of the alleged copyright infringement.
3. The location of claimed copyright infringement. A URL would be best, or potentially other information to quickly guide our team to the place of the claimed infringement.
4. Your contact information (at a minimum, an email address that we may share with the account holder to clear up the dispute).
5. A statement from you that in good faith you believe there is a copyright infringement. Also to be included in the statement, any information you can provide as to circumstances would be helpful.
6. A statement that the information in your formal claim is accurate.
7. A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you are the copyright owner or are authorized by the copyright owner to act on their behalf.
We are an English-based U.S. company. We do have some Spanish and Portuguese speakers in-house. However, for the fastest response, we recommend English. Otherwise, we must wait for translations.
If you have additional information to share, please use the description box on the form.
Our team will get back to you within six business days.
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