We cannot make price changes universally among our digital partners. Apart from iTunes, part of our agreement is that all platforms reserve the right to price music according to their guidelines. That is not something that can be changed by special request.
That said, Apple gives us a bit of flexibility to adjust pricing as long as it adheres to their platform's structure.
The lowest they'll price an album is $1.99, and the highest is $15.99. They will price individual tracks at $0.69, $0.99, or $1.29. An album's overall price can't exceed the combined cost of the tracks. (So a 10 song album can be priced at $4.99 if you like, but not $15.99).
If you'd like to adjust the price in iTunes (only) please use the "Report Trouble" tool from within your account. Not sure where that is, check out this article.
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