If you'd like to opt-in to CD Baby Boost, here are the ways you can do so:
Opting-in from the Albums & Singles Page
If you would like to add CDB Boost to an existing release in your account, you can do so by navigating to the Albums & Singles page:
- Find the title you want to opt-in, and see the "Boost" column next to that title. If you do not already have Boost for that title, you will see an option to "+Add."
- Click "+Add" to open the Boost Opt-In page of the submission.
- On the Boost Opt-In page, toggle to opt into the MLC, SoundExchange, and/or Sync Licensing, or check the checkbox to "Opt in to all eligible Boost options."
- Click "Continue with Boost" at the bottom of the page.
- On the following page, you'll see "CDB Boost: Info & Agreements." Check the checkboxes and add your signature to the agreements for each service you've opted into.
- Click "Continue."
- Then, on the CDB Boost: Songwriters page, if you have opted in to the MLC, you will need to select at least one songwriter for each track that you would like CD Baby to collect for from the MLC.
- If your release was previously finalized without songwriter ownership percentages included, you will be asked to enter the percent ownership of each songwriter on each track.
- Select "Continue" at the bottom of the page.
- Once you have completed these three pages, select "Overview" at the top of the page to go to the Title Overview.
- Click "Pay for CDB Boost" on the right side of the page to check out and complete your Boost opt-in!
Opting-in from Title Overview
You can also opt into CDB Boost from the Title Overview for an existing submission in your account.
- Select view/edit next to the title of your choice in the Albums & Singles page.
- Once the Title Overview has opened, scroll down to the heading "CDB Boost." Click to expand this section.
- Under the "CDB Boost" heading, click the button that reads "Edit Boost Opt-Ins."
- Then, follow the same steps outlined above to complete the opt-in, agreements, and songwriter pages, and pay for Boost.
Opting-in a new release to CDB Boost
When you begin a new submission in your account, the CDB Boost opt-in pages will be included in the submission flow.
Once you are ready to pay and submit for distribution, you can purchase the registration and CDB Boost together at checkout.
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